Donegal Performing Arts is a self-sustaining organization that relies on the support of our local businesses, organizations, and community members to help us promote and provide for our local theatre venue. DPA has produced dozens of high-quality theatrical productions that have provided immeasurable, life-enriching experiences for the students of the Donegal School District, and this year will be no exception.

There are three ways that you can provide financial support:

  1. Advertise in our show’s program! Ads are available in 3 sizes – Business Card, Half Page, & Full Page.

  2. Become a DPA Business Patron! Names will be listed in the show’s program. There is a minimum donation to become a DPA Business patron, but any donations above the minimum are greatly appreciated!

  3. Become a DPA Patron or sponsor a costume/set piece! Patrons and Sponsors will be listed in the program and are available by clicking HERE!

    If you are interested in supporting our organization as described in items 1 & 2 above, please click the green “Support Us” button below: